At an impressive six meters in length, the Concavenator is an imposing figure. The lizard's skin shines grass-green and yellow. On its back it has an elongated hump, which stands out from the rest of the body in red. With its striking appearance, it keeps enemies at bay. If that's not enough, it might have to bare its sharp teeth. That will make anyone run for the hills.
suitable for kids ages 3+.
Schleich products are made of various plastics and paints. These are carefully selected on the basis of the specific requirements. Among the most important plastics types we use are polyvinyl chloride (PVC), thermoplastic elastomers (TPE), actrylnitril butadiene styrene (ABS) and other typical plastics for toys. Starting at the material suppliers, there is strict scrutiny from our quality assurance representatives. The paints used are perfectly adapted to the various types of plastic and have the greatest mechanical and chemical resistance. They ensure that Schleich products last a long time and make all of our products resistant to perspiration, saliva and wear – meaning they are completely safe to play with. The product is released for production only when it meets all the laws, standards and guidelines.